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Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Gnome 2.16 Release Will Have Effects on Xubuntu

The latest version of GNOME, a free desktop environment has been released today. You can find more information in the 2.16 start page.

But being a xubuntu user I think that the most noticeable is that this new version of GNOME is based on GTK+ 2.10, with "many improvements that were made available by Project Ridley; an effort to consolidate a number of GNOME libraries into GTK+" like improved printing functionality and file chooser, as can be readed here.

Xfce is based on gtk and will be benefit of these improvement, as can be seen in knot2, an Ubuntu family pre-release. I've not tryed it yet, but you can read this post from Xubuntu blog for more information.

If we add the recent release of Xfce 4.4RC1 to this we can expect a lot of improvements in the final version of xubuntu.

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