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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The Easiest Way to Add Digg Buttons to Blogger

Integrating Digg within Blogger should be easy if you follow this method. However, if you do so you just get Blogger complaints. That's because Blogger does not allow using script tags in posts but only in templates.

I think that such limimitation is the reason why there are many hacks for this out there. But I found a hack that is quite easy and I think it is the easiest way to get a Digg button in Blogger. You can read about it here.

Really, Blogger lets you add Javascript to your posts if you decide to ignore the error message but it can be considered unsafe. I think there's a reason for this limitation.

If you like the hack digg the story! :-)

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Blogger blah said:
Very informative, although i have not read many blogs, I rather like this one.
Blogger blah said:
One more thing, by the way, still very informative...Please visit my website @!
Anonymous Anonymous said:
My colleague also found quite a nice way of doing it... only appears on post pages - but most people clicking through from rss readers (the ones who know enough to actually dig the post) end up on post pages anyway...

Just dump the code into your blogger template, below the /div close (so kinda just above the Comments: word)... Works like a charm because it uses Blogger variables for the page name etc so no hacks required... Remember to make sure it's all on 1 line.

Check out how it works on these two blogs (tried to post the html here, but didn't work... so... visit the blog, view source, search for 'digg' and you'll find the line):

All Scrubbed Up
Cowboys & Engines
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